Upgrading Cisco FTD 6.2.1 to 6.2.2

Installing the FTD 6.2.2 update on a ASA 5515X I noticed that Cisco released FTD 6.2.2 yesterday (05-sep-2017), why I naturally had to put it in my Demolab right away in order to see if…

WordPress in the Cloud

When I had to re-create my blog installation I had to make a choice on whether I wanted to Fully host it myself (business as usual…) Find it as a full managed service (SaaS) somewhere…

From Cisco ASA to FTD with FDM

Intro I have been playing a little with a ASA 5515X appliance in the lab and have tried running the latest FTD code (6.2) with both stand-alone management (known as Firepower Device Manager) and the…

WordPress hit counters powered by Google analytics

It have recently added the Google Analytics Post Pagesviews plugin to the WordPress site here. This means that the WordPress site can now show some of the statistics that Google Analytics is collecting on behalf of…

Staffeldt.Net Rising from the Ashes

After a slight misfortune on a (not so supported) VSAN configuration. Staffeldt.net as been recreated from various backup sources (aka Archive.org and old HDD), and thus rises again as a Phoenix from the ashes. What…

Anonymity with TOR in KALI

This post will get you started with the Pentest Linux distribution of choice, Kali (now in version 1.1.0 and formerly known as Backtrack). It will furthermore go a little into how the environment can be…

HDHomerun over VPN

It has often annoyed me that the HDhomerun was local to subnet only and could not run over VPN. It is however possible to direct that good old trusty tuner to whatever hotel room you…

PAN-OS 6.1, A Sneak Peak

The PAN-OS 6.1 (running the Palo Alto Networks firewall) has recently been released. Here are my initial thoughts on the release. Short story… it is not a revolution.. more like a good piece of evolution….